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What is I scream?

     It is mostly contained trashy parts of me. haha. It contained poems, daily and personal opinions about movies or towards life, happiness and struggle especially words that probably won't eveeeeer reach to someone or something it was originally dedicated to. 
and is a personal blog.
If at first you don’t succeed, laugh until you do.
Emilia Clarke
 What are DAYS, LETTERS, #FinishedWatching, PoTD, and UNTITLED POSTS mean?
 I decided to categorize my blogs into atleast five entries;

  1.  DAYS : are the posts that happened on a certain date. The original blogs.  It doesnt mean it really meant special.
  2.  LETTERS : or poems. The post Im specially dedicated/pertained to someone , myself or to something. Words I cant directly say. too deep right? I love putting them on double meaning.
  3. #FinishedWatching : Could be a movie and tv series which purpose is to review them or share the experience and thoughts.
  4. PoTD : Picture of the Day. Maybe personal images or just found on google with captions and thoughts.
  5.  UNTITLED POSTS : or not categorize to Days or to Letters. Pretty random.
  6.  Poet Theme : I just recentedly join the twitter micro poetry weekly challenge. Basically, its a poem made under a theme chosen for that week.
  7.  DREAM : It's cool Im one of the people who remembers their dream in detail. Controlling sometimes work but sometimes, waking up from "knowing you are dreaming" stirs me trouble.

Unlike my anime blog, every post is hinted with a secret, and lies towards honesty.
credits // img used in this blog : (x) (x)

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