[ Day 014 ] 2017 Batangas Earthquake - Experience

Thursday, April 27, 2017

( image taken after the twin earthquake of April 8th was finished )

Not merely a week since my grandmother's passing, an unwanted event hit our province.

It was the 4th night of April when the earthquake suddenly wake it's sleeping quarters. Opposite to my brother who he was already sleeping, I was just about to. It is something you cannot forget so easily. The ground was shaking for atleast under a minute and my brother rushed to my room , convincingly moved to get out of the house that night. I was pleased to see him apply the duck, cover and hold system, but my growing concern at that time was the house doors still locked. After seeing his face in discomfort, hiding under the kitchen's table, I didnt managed to do the drill and unlocked the doors for our exit.

Our parents who were sleeping as usual at the nipa hut, atleast three meters away from the house, came to aid when I began to call my mum with the alarming incident. Outside, I saw the transmission lines dancing in glee, while my parents are just beginning to make their way to the open grounds.

This had happened under only a minute. 

After some minutes to replenish our frustration, we opened the TV and watched for probable tsunami warning and announcements. I also checked my facebook account and everyone was saying the same experience, including the people who lives 3 hours away from the province. News then came in with our province as the epicenter to date.

One jeep and a boat away to vehicle to the prior epicenter.

Hours had passed, with the seemingly long night drying our energy out, returned to our room still feeling the afterschocks. It continued till morning, caused my brother not to sleep. School activities were cancelled and government officials gathered the damage on other infrastructures.

No major damaged results were enough to keep the citizens untroubled. Most of my relatives, a minute walk for a child to see the waters of the sea, packed their necessities and decided to move onto higher grounds. This lasted until the half week of April.

With no room for us to breathe in unwary, the afterschocks continued still. 4 days later around 3pm, April 8, 2017, two successive earthquake hit us again.

First earthquake, was Im about to take a bath when it happened. I stumbled entering the room thinking I was just weary, but the noise from our appliances made me gain my senses back. At that time, only me and my mum was at home, my brother went to play basketball and my father who was working at a private construction company. My mum tremble in fear, caught off-guard as she tries to save the television from falling. I could not let her away from my sight so I stayed , waiting for her to finish the job . I was pissed at that time, as she made her time under that matter. My mum and I rushed outside. Few minutes passed, sitting at the chair steps away from the house gate and my mum checking for the damages inside, the second earthquake swarmed everything away

When we reached the street, we heard something fell from our house, thinking it was the chandelier. Under that event , I saw every family , mother's hugging their children and staying away from possible falling object. My neighbor whom was inside of her store, as she squealed in plea for her God, rushed to her house gates leaving her adopted children inside the house. I know it wasnt the proper time to laugh , hid my unmannered feelings as she approached us. The children then, whom she said were sleeping , managed to get their way outside too. We saw how everything move , it was crazy! life changing moment! , while the concerns for the tsunami also arises. 

Under an hour, our family was complete and waited for official annoucements. Sometimes, there will be a point in your life that buying a calamity necessity will definitely come in handy. Radio always come in handy, moreover if it is a radio and a flashlight at the same time. Haha~ Anyways.

Taken by the great damage my relatives decided to take refuge on our house that night, two nights to be exact. I wish my lola/granma was able to witness this, but thankfully enough not for her to experience. The streets that day was filled as if you were attending some barangay fiesta. One can immediately feel the camaraderie and of what it takes to be a family. I was happy they were safe, while hearing their stories you can relate on.

People were shaken but unshakeable. People were broken but unbreakable.
and if ever it will happen again, Batanguenos REMAINS stronger.

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