POTD : Days with Me

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I was woken up from a kitten's nonstop crying. I guessed it was nearby our house that morning, wishfully thinking that if it happens to cross our front gate I'll grab it. Noon, it started to cry again I followed the noise leading to our kitchenette/storage area.

Just its distant crying noise, I guessed it was at our neighbor's backyard. Crying continues, went to the kitchenette to hear the kitten. I was bothered so I finally told my mum. "I didnt hear any" then she excused it was probably the kettle hissing.

"But it started this morning !" I rejected the idea. Next was the passing pajero, which was making the same sound. Haha. Mom said " or maybe that vehicle? " then again " It started since this morning!!!" We were clueless if I was delusional, paranoid or what.

With the unfruitful discussion from my mum, I headed back to the place. This time I heard scratches inside the ceiling! Panick, Delusions and Paranoia kicked in so I hurriedly call mum to hear it herself. " Maaaa!!!! Storage area!! Hurry!!! "

Despite of my calls, she calmly approached me. Quietly staring at the ceiling board above us, the cries and scratches begun. Mom in disbelief " We cannot possibly have a kitten crying inside that!" and continued " Big mouse, dear. " 

There's no way that is a mouse! Too Long, Short. We have to wait for father to come home and deal with the odds that day, which he did. Few obstacles inside the non-air ventilated ceiling, two kittens were rescued.

We immediately nursed the kitties. Dog swarmed in ancestry. It was funny, they were curious and alarmed! I am taking care of them ATM. I dont know what will happen to them. We cannot really housed cats inside the house. 

I have pet dogs since I was 5. I have no knowledge how to determine their gender, when to feed them, why do they cry??!!! Do you wanna eat? cuddle? roll? what??! I am fond of watching cat videos but, newly born kittens do not necessarily does those contents. 

PS: The next day the mother cat dropped off three additional kittens on the family.

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