Day 006 - The Super Parental Gurdians (Review) 

Friday, December 2, 2016

 No spoils : 
 It was obvious who owns the movie,

 BB Joyce Bernal shown importance to her

Sickness 001

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How I would like to see my life?

How would I spent my life?

How I see life?

How I value life?
If I have to define what should life is, it ain't gonna be religious. I'm one shaky fellow when it comes to believing the power of an invisible entity. If I were to define my life, I'll spent it way irrational than the others. I have no great or bragging experience to simply decide the path that opens. I compare and estimate life according how my parents and eldercare claimed it. I see life divided into four phases. One is childhood. Two is youth. Third is adulthood and last is simply death.

Day 005 – 21st Birthday

Monday, November 28, 2016

So November 23rd was my birthday, the day before I had to ,definitely, clean my room since I havent did any cleaning for the past two months. and In fact that I did my best to feel cozy the day before, I caught a cold.

Day 004

Monday, November 21, 2016

second time to be harassed. why me. lol. I'll probably receive a lecture from my dad tomorrow.

Law to abide

Friday, November 18, 2016

The former president of the Philippines, a dictator, supreme and may have hold more than dreams for his country in an errorneous possible way have laid rest to Libingan ng mga bayani today.

Day 003 : Biggest Dreamer

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

9:00am : I woke up, remembering that Ive dreamt about my grand grand grandparents. Named Amino and Lyona(?) I probably miss my lolo.
6:54pm : Few minutes after I ate dinner, I was gazing the stars , hoping to find my Sagittarius. Then I saw this slow , big , flashy star coming down ! It was as if, pallette of it's bluish head also imprinted that it has vibrant yellowish color to its tail.  I was fascinated and pointed yelling " AH, shooting star!" while holding my breath thinking " WISH . WISH. WISH! What kind of wish?" and right after it disappear I remembered I didnt make any wish wanting to be granted.

Friday, November 11, 2016

I thought I was running out of paper, but in reality I ran out of my feelings.
Dont refuse to party until we're really really done.

Day 002 : Shared lights

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

This is the day when we visit one's house, chat outside bragging some hideous jeepney horror stories. We were 11 kids, sharing the same starry midnight sky. Soon lit wavered , so did our time together. I still remember these people, burning passionately while they chase their endeavours. I'll pray not only those who have died but also to those I once shared the lights.

Letter 005

Friday, August 26, 2016

Yellow, its bright . but it tells a sad story. Its alot darker than it should be.

Day 00-1

Someone robbed our house and got my bike stolen. I was in deep grief when that happen.

Letter 004

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

To pass the gate, when there's no bars.

Im free. One who found himself cornered by a wall, is free. He is lost. One who obtained loss, receives freedom. He begun to fall, deep. But being cornered, lost and empty is free. He given up his limits, so therefore he is free. Cutting limitations in face of solid bricked wall creates a light package . Thus who climb lightly gets to pass. Overcoming a wall with your loss. He is therefore free. He then begun to walk to face another wall. He gained. He lost. This what it takes to be free.

Day 001 : Surfer and the wave.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Maybe the greatest thing about me is being alone. I watched this girl from PBB Season 7, who defined herself Im always alone and Im happy being alone. Its good to know youre not the only one. That it isnt wrong to feel and do it by yourself. That there is solitude . That there is peace and self satisfaction. Im glad , Im normal.

Day 00-3

Friday, August 19, 2016


I'd like to face my fears. I want to fail. I want to feel failures so that I may stand back up. I hunger for success. I hunger for freedom. I hunger for somewhere Id like to go. I want to go out. I wanted a town where it doesn't knew me. I want to be alone. I want to embrace the blessings of being alone.

Day 00-2

He who shines brightly.

Today I visited a friend. Very old friend. he shines brightly. He's vocal and he frets to something he know what is right. He mingles with everybody who chooses to please with him. He was a sun. I am one of the moons. But amazingly how he was able to fragrantly embraced the situation is. He was once a proprietor joey who named our elementary teachers according to what he sees. It was galant to see himself under the same profession and for a vocation. We never did imagine how or what we liked to be in the future. How can people see themselves as they see fit. It was fun. Those days were fun. It was nice laughing under the setting sun.

Letter 003

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

To those who dwell

It comes and It goes
it stays but never docks
It smiles. It cries.
It holds emotions without a face.
It has a body without a trace.
You imagine the dream, and tells you your story.
It's was so much closer when you were younger.
[ MY FAIRY CLOUDS, To those who dwell ]

Letter 002

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Heart of Gold

Shes blinking, shes blinking got those eyes a velvet future she knows where to land she knows what to do but shes sinking shes sinking Paint the sun yellow away the barrel she throw she loved the boat , she loved the road The waves loved her gold. She's dreaming , she was smiling, She's dreaming, its fading, theyre dying.

Letter 000

Saturday, August 6, 2016

I envy you, you have started creating your dreams. I know I couldnt leave, I already have my dreams here. I will not envy you, I have finished mine.

Letter 001

Friday, August 5, 2016

Id like to tell a story of my own, not silence over make up stories. nor decisions without back plans.

Day 000

Sunday, July 3, 2016

3 minutes to 5pm

someone raided the house, we went abit for a walk, and talk about old good stuffs.. I didnt manage to tell how i really feel, she wanted the future me, She is a good friend. Im starting the program I have watched two episodes of anime, and now starting to read a rickriordan book, Sea of Monsters.

Letter 009 : Little Butterfly

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Little Butterfly
If I were unchained, Ive be anywhere.

I’ll be at the library, drinking lots of informations.

I’ll be at the kitchen, experimenting each plates.

or I’ll just sit around whenever poems hit the rythym.

All I want is to be anywhere at anytime if I could.

I wanna ride the wind as it blows against my defined path.

I wanna die to re:born all the ungiven chances.

I wanna be the little butterfly, under the white-blue sky.


Happy EDSA (People Power I) day !

sa Ikatlong dekada
(original post / still me tho )

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