Day 011 : Yellow Corner

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

With Ky to remind that I should pay for the nendo bills, I immediately tried my best to went to the bank, but first I decided to drop by to my colleagues' boarding house.

After dropping off with the same vehicles I used to take during college, I caught myself lost where is that house. I didnt ask Chellsea with specific questions so I asked atleast five persons to where that damn building is. I felt defeated but I kept on trying. My phone isnt loaded to call her for directions, Yikes ! So I asked for the storeteller where I could get to load, but it was atleast meterrrrrrs away from the tricycle's drop off. I bit my fingernails with disbelief and walked towards the given direction. I saw bunch of contruction on going while the one to turn my eye into is the yellow painted building and asked what I came for.

The store was too busy, so I stepped back and ran the distance as possible. I tried a couple of asking again, with some college strangers. Hah! The guts ! IS FUCKIN ACHIEVEMENT! haha. JK. Finally got my phone loaded and call Chellsea, she didnt pick up. Haha.

I remembered she commented on facebook that she's with Jessica and Mommy Zay whom I probably had their numbers with me. Goodness, Jessica ! <3 She was at the balcony at that time so she immediately saw me at the distance.

Reached the second floor where they were in, the room is suprisingly enough for four people to live in and for students who works on their thesis. Adding me, felt abit overcrowded. Haha. The atmosphere really felt a difference, they have been working hard while I ran away from my responsibilities as a student. Despite of it , Im happy for them and as the stepping stone I can be too. Ive always been searching myself for a motivation. I know it is kinda stupid but hey! even if the school rejects me, I can now flee to become one on my own terms.

Also, Bia was cooking when I got there, I thought it was chicken, but when the time came it was pork teriyaki-kunno :)) The sauce was perfumed with banana while it saltyness seeming disappear when paired with the crumbed fried pork. She's definitely better than Chellsea. Haha. and me~

After lunch, I immediately remembered and noticed, even the room next to us played the Moana theme song. People do not know the boundaries if you play it, the next person effects it like a domino. I posted this as a status on Chellsea's account when at that time I was borrowing her iPad. We talked about same stuffs when we're together, she seemed lazy finishing her work so I had to tease her a little to move. She jumped in when I was at her bed, her bones cracking from sitting, finishing her thesis design since last night.
That afternoon, Husby came and offered a little help for Hazel. He now colored his hair like somekind of ... Idk, but I dont like it. I prefer his natural hair and looks but he is as handsome as ever. With the time turning to four, the girls packed up to attend an afternoon mass at the Trinity, near SM. Wondering with the odds, I was hoping my friends, Carlito, Ben, Edsel and the others will join but after seeing what they looked like. I hoped the best for them to finish the requirements.

It was time for me the part with the girls, at the mean time, to pay check for my nendoroids. Soon after, I got myself out of the bank I went to the church where we supposed to meet. I caught myself lost again , and when I call neither Jessica or Chellsea answers. Luckily, they spot themselves where I can see easily them. Going to the second floor, the 4pm mass ended and minutes away to 5, I sitted together with Bia and Chellsea. Jessica decided she'll join her perks at the choir lounge.

The mass ended, crowded with rosary and crufix they're holding, the lay ministers begun to put ashes on the forhead of the people waiting in line. Some were black as black while other diminished to recognize. Going back to the mall, I parted with them for the last time, wishing them luck and thanking them for that day. I easily get a van rented to ride home safely. The road taken for the past two years Im stuck on my room seemingly disappeared. As an invisible entity is probably eating away the buildings I once knew. 

The economy and demands are growing too fast. I wish I can , well I could if I wanted to, run the same pace. I hope my colleagues well, myself even better and the place I'll be dedicating myself into.

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